Sunday 14 June 2009

keys thought

words of wisdom: you can't turn the drummer down

Monday 8 June 2009

The bus factor

An interesting little adage I heard recently. The prime idea is how many people involved in a project have to be incapacitated (ie hit by a bus) in order for the project to be stalled or fail.

In projects involving several people you want this number to be as high as is possible. This means tending away from ideas such as having one person with a disproportional number of responsibilities and people hoarding roles and privileges. The more people you have doing more things, the higher the levels of collaboration and productivity.

Friday 17 April 2009

Parkinson's Law

"The demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of the resource."

Or as tim ferris puts it 

"The complexity of a task expands to fill the time you alot it."

What this means. That a task will grow and grow, become more complex and more complex, the more time you give it or the longer leash you allow it. Example: Art. When you give a subject all the time in the world and all the resources and material and talent, you recieve something of near infinite complexity and varity. Counter example: my breakfast. Only given 5 minutes and a rather depleated pantry, peanut butter on toast.

Conculsion. Deadlines are a good thing. Otherwise thing tend to get out of hand.